We all have things we do that other people don’t understand. I have had more people than I can count tell me I’m nuts for all of the traveling I’ve done and the way I choose to live my life. I understand that they don’t get it, but quite frankly, I don’t get staying in one place all your life, so we’re even. If you aren’t a traveler, here are 10 reasons to travel that will hopefully change your mind.

Grand Rivere, Martinique
My History with Travel
I have always moved around. I was born in Germany, because my dad was in the U.S. Air Force. We moved around enough that I didn’t go to the same school two years in a row until I was in high school. After high school, I too joined the U.S. Air Force, so I continued moving around. In 1997, my husband was looking for a new job opportunity and found a job that required constant travel. It was a job where our whole family could move with him wherever he worked. I was all over that, so off we went. He is still at that same job and one of the biggest benefits to me is all of the places we have been able to travel.
Something that also baffles my friends is that I don’t get afraid when moving to a new place, especially another country. I can honestly say the only time I moved that I was afraid was when I moved to South Korea on my own, when I was 20. It was my first duty station in the Air Force and I had never moved on my own before. Really, I shouldn’t have been afraid. I loved it there! Now when I move or visit someplace, I look at it as a new adventure that I’m excited to start.

Night Bazaar Xi’an, China
Learn Other Cultures
This is huge to me and probably one of the most important reasons to travel. I have friends and family who have never been outside of their place in the world. Some have never been more than 4 hours away from their town. They are happy there and that is great for them. However, we live in a great big world, full of different cultures and traditions. My personal opinion is that the more we learn about the people outside of our circles, the more we will appreciate and accept others. That does not mean you have to go out and join someone’s church or eat the way someone else eats. I do think it will make you more tolerant and knowledgeable of other people. Opening your eyes to the different and good world is an excellent thing in my book.
Discover New Places
You’ve done your research. You found the place you want to go and you’ve read all about it. Does that mean there is nothing new to discover? Absolutely not. No matter how many posts and articles you read, your experience will never be exactly like everything you’ve read. I have been to places that other people have absolutely hated and had the best time. Remember, attitude is everything in life, but especially when traveling. Don’t be afraid to get off the beaten path and plan your own route. Also, make sure you don’t over plan because often times the things that aren’t on your list are the very best things.

The most wonderful friends
Meet New People
I am not a people person. It’s true. Crowds make me very uncomfortable. I like my own company too, so I don’t crave time with very many other people. That being said, I love being someplace new and having a conversation with a complete stranger. When you’re traveling, it’s often the best way to learn things about a place. Talk to the local people and find the best restaurants, beaches or places to visit. Most of them probably won’t be in your guidebook. Ask about their lives too. You will find out a lot about a place by how the people live. Who knows, you may even made a new friend.

Eating Bulgogi in South Korea
Try New Foods
When you are traveling around, try new foods, cooked the way they were meant to be cooked. Believe it or not, food in China does not taste like we think it does in the United States. It’s true. Also, not everyone in China eats rice. I know. I was shocked! Knock down those stereotypes and learn the way things really are in your travels. This will not only apply to food, so keep your eyes and ears open.

Photo courtesy of RM King
Do New Things
One of my reasons to travel is to do new things. Now, I’m going to say to do them within reason and keep your safety in mind. This does not mean to try some crazy drug or drink a crazy amount of alcohol. That’s not keeping your safety in mind. I’m talking about adventures and activities here. For example, I went parasailing in Martinique. I was super nervous, but my daughter really wanted to go, so we and our friend went. We loved it too. Other options to try might be zip lining, hang gliding, rock climbing or SCUBA diving. I haven’t done all of those things, but I might. Give it a try!

Parasailing in Martinique
Recharge Your Battery
We all need to recharge our inner batteries sometimes. What better way than to take a vacation outside of your normal life. Go somewhere to be pampered or somewhere you can go on lots of beautiful, peaceful hikes. Stroll through some museums and discover a land’s past. Sit in a café, sip your favorite beverage and watch the people of that area. My personal favorite it to pick a beautiful beach and snorkel for hours on end. There are loads of ways to recharge. Pick one and just do it.

Carnaval in Martinique
Get Closer to Your Travel Companion
This is especially true if you are a couple with children. My husband and I have been married for 26+ years and always tried to get away once a year, for at least a weekend, without our kids. It’s not that we have bad kids, because we so don’t. However, when you don’t take time for each other, you lose what brought you together. If you don’t have a lot of money, how about traveling someplace great for camping and hiking? We’ve done that loads of times. Wherever you go, try to get involved with something fun going on. We went to Carnaval in Martinique. It’s the same as Mardi Gras in the U.S. It was a fun experience to do together. Whatever you do, have fun with it!
Appreciate the Life You Lead
Traveling to places that have fewer or different privileges than your country or that maybe makes you a little uncomfortable, will help you to appreciate the life you lead regularly. Go to a far away place to volunteer or when you travel somewhere, don’t stay in the fancy, five star hotels. Find a clean, safe AirBNB in someone’s home to take in a little bit of how the people live where you are visiting.

Amsterdam-She had fries
Learn About Yourself
What do I mean by learning about yourself as one of my reasons to travel? Simply, by getting out of your comfort zone or not having all of your normal modern amenities, you will learn what you are capable of doing. This is also true when you do things you have never tried before. About 12 years ago, we were on a family cruise for my dad’s birthday. On one of our stops, my girls wanted to go rock climbing. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but decided since they wanted to go, we would. I was so afraid, but I did it and I loved it. Now I know I apparently don’t mind relying on strangers and a rope for my safety. I also learned that my girls are really great at rock climbing.
Don’t Regret Never Going
I read this quote once: “In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” and I think about it sometimes when I’m deciding if I want to do something or not. Usually if I want to do something, I just do it. Unless, of course, it involves a lot of money or might affect someone else. I don’t want to go through life wishing I had done something when the time has passed. Plus, I’m getting older and have loads of stuff to cram in before I can’t.
What are some things you want to do and what is holding you back. I hope after you’ve read all of this, one thing is to travel. If it is, don’t let time pass you by. Plan a trip and go. Check out the posts below to get you started.
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Hurricane Gulch Bridge, Alaska
These are wonderful reasons to travel, but I don’t think I need more reasons (lol!) I agree with you that you get to appreciate more what you have and the kind of life you have after seeing how others live.
I know. I don’t need more reasons to travel. If I have to finish my list before I die, I will live forever.
All these are very much the reasons why I wish to keep traveling. And while traveling I am in such a clicking spree just to come back home and relive the memories.
I know what you mean. I take so many photos when we go on trips. I’m so happy for the digital age. It’s so much less expensive than when I had to have 15 rolls of film and be selective.
Great post, thanks for serving our country. Love your reasons to travel and can totally relate to every single one, especially appreciating your life. I too tend to get contemplative when traveling and reflect on how I’m blessed.
Thank you. I really feel when we get outside of ourselves, we are better equipped to handle differences.
I relate to all of these reasons, but the one that speaks to me the most is “learn about yourself” I went on my first solo trip to Japan after a friend cancelled on me. The trip was too expensive to cancel. Even though I was scared due to the language barrier, I had the best time. I learnt that I had a bit of an adventurous side to me and that I wasn’t so shy. Now I love solo travelling!
That is so fantastic! I would have been so nervous to travel alone. I don’t think I would have been when I was younger, but I’ve gotten more cautious in my maturity.
All fantastic points about traveling and I agree I don’t understand people that stay in one place their whole life — Comfort ahead of physical, mental and spiritual growth. It’s so true how much you can learn about yourself. I hope this convinces others to get out there! PS. Love the threesome parasailing pic – Fun!!
Thank you so much. I was so afraid to go parasailing. I still can’t believe I did it!
You have covered all of the good reasons to travel. I had to pause to think about “recharge your battery”. We usually run pretty hard on vacation so sometimes come home feeling we need a vacation from our vacation. But it does recharge my mental battery.
We are like that too, but travel does pause us from our day to day responsibilities, so it’s also a recharge.
I agree with all your points. There is a great world out there waiting to be explored and discovered. This can be done by travelling which will open up a whole new world of adventures and experiences we’ll cherish for the rest of our lives. “I think it’s dangerous to stay home. Never going out and seeing the world and meeting new and interesting people? Now that’s dangerous.” – John Waters
Totally agree. How can we learn if we never have the experiences? YouTube is great, but it’s not the same.
Love these! My big one has been learning about myself. What I am capable of, how strong I am, learning to navigate foreign places and people with ease, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable – its been an ongoing lesson in life that I love.
Those are all great lessons for us to learn about ourselves. I have done things I never thought were possible.
Travel is my life for its gives more reasons to live. My reason for travel is to break the chain of mundane life and experience new things specially culture by meeting new people and trying food. Every experience motivates me to travel more.
I agree with your reasons and can very well relate with all of the,\m.
It’s so true that every new experience and place brings on the desire to see and learn more!
All points are so true. I have learned so much about my self and how to manage my anxiety from traveling. The awesome experiences are a bonus… Looks like you got into the spirit at Carnaval in Martinique!
We did get in the spirit of Carnaval, although I wasn’t terribly comfortable. I’m so happy for the experience though.
These are all wonderful reasons to travel. Opening your eyes to the world around you and meeting new people are all great adventures. One more reason to travel: creating a closer family!
For sure. We are a really close family because of all of the time we had with just us. It’s so great!
That was so fantastic ! Literally these are fantastic reason to travel. I was so impressed by reading this post. When we live in different places we can learn many things, meet interesting people. So many scare of traveling alone they only depend always with their family members and friends. Your post I’ll surly benefit for all people! Thanks for this kind of reason!
Thank you very much. We really love traveling and I can’t imagine my life without it.
Oh my gosh – I love that shot of the Korean restaurant! Trying new foods is one of the coolest things about travel. I tried a dish called “jingalov hats” in a market last year – it’s a flatbread stuffed with up to fifteen different kinds of herbs. I didn’t even care what it tasted like… I just loved the name!
Oh boy, Jingalov Hats sounds like something fun to eat! It actually sounds good too. I love bulgoi, so I was way happy to eat it. My husband didn’t love it. I think his taste buds are broken.
These are all great reasons to travel. I’m always interested in why people started travelling, thanks for sharing your story.
Traveling is so great to me. I love it, as you read. I’m so happy for the opportunities. Thank you for the comment.
It’s always good to have reasons to travel, but people like me do not need many reasons. They just do it! thanks for sharing!
I’m like you. I travel because I do. I know a lot of people who aren’t like that though.
This was an amazing read with 10 great reasons to travel! Being American born Chinese, I’ve always found it bizarre that people think it’s weird that I don’t like rice and I also can’t stand (nor have I ever had) some “American” Chinese dishes, egg foo young being one of the ones I’ve never had. Thank you for writing this and helping broaden others’ horizons as well!
Thank you for your comment. I was a little afraid to write that part of the post because I didn’t want to offend anyone. It’s strange, some of the things we think we know about different cultures. Also, I’m pretty sure egg foo young is something I will never try either.